Chili’s Margarita Of The Month For March Is ‘The Lucky Jameson’

Why is it that January seemed to last a million years while February just scooted on by? Either way, while I will miss all things candy hearts and romance, I’m ready to kiss February goodbye and move on to March, the month of St. Patrick’s Day and feeling like spring could be on its way. Thankfully, Chili’s is on the same page, and the chain’s March $5 Margarita of the Month says that loud and clear.

Chili’s is bringing back its truly unique margarita called The Lucky Jameson, which it introduced last year. It’s not your typical marg, it’s a REALLY cool marg. The drink is made with Jameson Irish Whiskey, Lunazul Blanco Tequila, triple sec, and fresh sour. It also has a lime AND orange wedge on its salted rim. Best of all? Like all Chili’s MOTMs, it’s just $5.

We got a chance to give this one a try before its re-release and I can attest it’s straight up amazing. It tastes like a classic marg with a little bit more smokiness and bite. Somehow it all works together, and though the ingredients list seems STACKED with liquor, it’s totally not overwhelming. In fact, as a whiskey and tequila fan, it’s refreshing that I don’t have to choose.

You can catch this margarita at your local Chili’s all March long. Still not satisfied? Chili’s will be celebrating its birthday this month, so if you visit on 3/13, you can pick up one of its Presidente Margaritas for $3.13 in a special cup you can take home with you.

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