Hidden Valley Is Bringing A Ranch Beer Tap On A NYC Bar Tour

If you haven’t noticed, people really, really love ranch dressing. Like, to the point where it’s becoming a personality. I get it! And if you’re a ranch dressing super-fan, you’re going to want to sit down for this exciting news. Hidden Valley announced this week that it would be debuting its own ranch dressing beer tap and taking it on a tour of bars around New York City. Yes. Ranch. Dressing. On. Tap.

A ranch dressing tap is just about what you’d expect. You can see it in the photos above but essentially, you pull a lever and out comes a flow of ranch dressing, enough to fill a cup so you can do all the dipping you want. Or…all the drinking you want? No, no, that can’t be right…

I’m not particularly sure why such a thing would exist, but I’m also not sure why a ranch dressing keg or ranch fountain exists either, so!

If you’re interested in trying out this ranch dressing beer tap, you’re in luck: Hidden Valley will be bringing the ranch tap out to play during American Craft Beer Week in New York City this May. You can find it at four different bars (alongside actual booze too!).

Tickets go on sale tonight and are super, super limited. For $54, you get food to dip in your ranch, limited-edition Hidden Valley swag, one beverage ticket at each of the four bar stops, and, as the brand put it, the experience of a lifetime! The event will also be hosted by comedian Fortune Feimster so I guess it also comes with the cred of hanging out with her.

Tickets can be purchased here at 9 p.m. tonight (March 10) for the event that’s on May 13. If you’re not located in NYC or don’t manage to snag a ticket, well, I guess do what the rest of us do: Pour your ranch in a cup, dip your pizza, and hang out on your couch! Not so bad!

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