Temper Issues Of A Child Can Be Linked To Developing Unhealthy Eating Habits: Study

Some children are calm, easy going and predictable, while it is difficult to handle a few of them. Temperament of children is determined by their reaction to situations. Children with temper issues are often characterised by their mood swings and emotional vulnerability. For the unversed, this temperament can be regarded as a precursor to what we call personality in adults. A new study has linked these characteristics of children to their eating habits.

The study, conducted by researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), found that children who are temperamental often develop unhealthy relationship with food and eating habits. Researchers investigated the topic as part of the Trondheim Early Secure Study (TESS) project, which is based at NTNU.

The study involved almost 800 children aged 4, 6, 8 and 10 years old. The researchers questioned the parents of these kids about the latter’s temperament and eating habits to look for the link. It was found that the children who get frustrated quickly or are prone to mood fluctuation develop the unhealthy eating habits that can lead to several health issues including weight gain. These kids also become fussy eater over the time. The study also found that children who are sad, restless and scared are more likely to eat less.

“It is important to establish good eating habits during childhood because we often bring these habits with us into our teens and adulthood. Good eating habits are important for having a good relationship with food and eating, and to avoid overweight,” said the researchers, as per an ANI report.

The researchers further suggested the parents of the children with temper issues to pay special attention for developing healthy eating habits in them.

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